Thursday, 19 April 2012

Reflective Practice blog 3!

The Time for assessment two to be due came rolling around quicker than expected!

I was initially unhappy with my results from the first assignment but I knew I deserved the results I got as I haven’t been attending the lectures and tutorials like I should and I was pretty lazy with my questions as I have had such a busy year with lots of new arrivals in my family!

To improve on this assignment I closely analysed where I went wrong and delved into more research about the topic and re read the lecture notes to improve on these mistakes.

It took me a long time to start up on this assignment; however I used one of my journalism contacts from the first task to help me find someone else to interview which I thought was pretty awesome and like a real journalist.

I learned from my mistakes from the first interview and made sure the questions weren’t too broad or biased, although I used two of the same questions mainly I added a few new ones to deal with the unemployment issues faced by Asylum seekers in Canberra, I felt I was able to get the same perspective on the topic but a lot more information because the talent deals directly with refugees he expanded on the issues of unemployment and knew vital statistics.

The editing for this assignment was far easier as I find when I learn how something works and how to operate systems like audacity it is like riding a bike I never forget and can get better every time I use it.

I felt last time I was sort of over the assignment and quite lazy and just used 3 minutes of material and didn’t check it, this time I didn’t repeat the same mistake. Also I felt I used some Journalistic skill by focusing on the topic of how many were unemployed in Canberra and why in my two copies, but then took a new angle on my wrap about how the unemployment issue could be fixed as well as the problem of labour shortages in the rural centres of Australia.

I feel this time I have overcome my shyness of talking to strangers and actually had a lot of fun interviewing people and feeling like I am shaping into a real Journalist as opposed to just studying the theory!  

I am not overly happy with the assignment that I produced and I’m pretty sure  I will only pass if I am incredibly lucky, as I was lazy on my first interview and didn’t really keep the talent on topic!!
Next time I will definitely aim to do more research on my chosen topic and produce the better work I know I am capable of!